According to current media reports from Turkey, every day the authorities are threatening and arresting academics of various stripes over their efforts to promote peace and democracy in their country. As scholars from a variety of different countries, we, the Editorial Board of Zapruder World, together with the Coordinating Committee of Storie in movimento, which signs on behalf of the whole Association, express our solidarity with Turkish academics in their hour of distress.
In our opinion, it is simply unacceptable that, in Turkey, everyone advocating for peace and expressing his/her opinion about the current violence in the South East of the country puts themselves in danger of being accused of supporting and/or promoting terrorism. We will simply not close our eyes to, and ignore, these glaringly offensive attacks on academic freedom in Turkey. Instead, we will continue to support our Turkish colleagues so that the voice of peace, the voice of tolerance, and the voice of cooperation among peoples can be better heard.
In solidarity,
Zapruder World Editorial Board:
Stefano Agnoletto
Claudio Fogu
Brian J Griffith
Sabrina Marchetti
Luca Peretti
Elena Petricola
Storie in movimento Coordinating Committee:
Eros Francescangeli
Antonio Lenzi
Lidia Martin
Alfredo Mignini
Luisa Renzo
Paolo Perri
Elena Petricola
(Foto di copertina: ClarionProject[icon name=”external-link” class=”” unprefixed_class=””])